Hoi4 cruiser submarine. lillelur • 1 yr. Hoi4 cruiser submarine

 lillelur • 1 yrHoi4 cruiser submarine  Today’s diary entry covers our improvements to

Sonar is litteraly useless on this ship as it can't attack submarines anyways. As well as Anechoic Tiles, Radar/Snorcal Combination, and unlocking Anti-Air for submarines. Your strike force ships like BBs dont need to spot the enemy, since the patrol group has already done that. Give your sub snorkel, best (and maximum amount of) torpedos and best engine. Can submarines transfer troops tho might just go full submarine in my game 😭. Once you have 1944 just use the modules it unlocks on a 1940 Hull because 1944 subs are too expensive. Thus why ya really don't overthink on its uses and just put them to work if you feel like it. Wave Rocker moth. Reply. And convoys arn't being found. (2-4) or BC (Battle Cruiser) x(1-2), CL x(4-7), and DD x10 is a fleet composition to be reckoned with. Exactly, the meta may exist but spamming supercarriers is more fun. Current HOI4 Version Supported: Barbarossa v1. I am building up a decent sized navy with a focus on submarines in the early game to cut of vital trade routes to the ally powers. Like I said in the vide. They can have 30-40 dockyards building submarines at the end of 1940. Also, sorry for the late post today. they were of such wildly varied types, it's hard to come up with a basic set of. % cost increase of AA and armor affects this cost as well. This mod is a submod of the "Fixed and Bigger Ship Models" mod. Submarine Visibility. Whenever one of my subs got detected it still got insta deleated though. Cruiser Submarine - A crappier 1940 Sub. ago. Good light cruisers are excellent uses of. Naval bombers delete the screens, subs kill the convoys and capitals. They performed similar functions to surface cruiser pilots such as cruising distant waters, commerce raiding, and scouting for battle fleet positions. However Destroyer spam is a Drain on manpower because they get killed of pretty fast when fighting against a good navy. 5 attack submarines with schrapnel And another squadron with 5 reco submarines and radar I will create a submarine fleet of 8 attacks squadron and 2 reco squadron. 1936 Submarine. The Italian cruiser Partenope in 1895. Each minister can only fulfill certain roles, and has a trait that indicates his. The individual constituents and thus the numbering plan of Lidl Connect mobile numbers in Germany are specified below. At that point it’s no longer a “recon” cruiser. 2) Update Forts with new workshop content. I hope it's informative. Here's why : r/hoi4. Heavy Battery I. They are so good some games literally ban them because they are so. Torpedo I (533mm) Engine III (4,400hp) Floatplane (contained an early helicopter onboard). %10 gemi. 370K subscribers in the hoi4 community. Ships unlocked: Pre-Dreadnought Battleship, SH Battleship II, Coastal Defense Ship, Torpedo Cruiser, Submarine Cruiser I Modules added: Too many to list. Captured documents had previously provided a complete list of official Navy announcements of new construction and conversions (TATSU) from 5 February 1941 to 10 May 1944. Ships of the line (of battle) were the capital ships of the era of sail. Pacific Fleet. As far as I’m aware no other weapons damage subs. It is rich in both natural and human resources and has decent technology. +25% potential submarine detection bonus for The Raj. A Heavy Cruiser and a few Light Cruisers will eat a 6-Destroyer sub patrol for lunch, while suffering very little damage themselves. Japan starts with the cruiser submarines technology. With no armor and max speed, your ships are hard to hit, reducing losses (cruiser armor sucks anyway). Maybe put a spotting cruiser in. Special ship types: Are they good, bad, or ugly? There are three special ship types i am aware of: The German Panzerschiff, the Japanese coastal defense ship and the Japanese torpedo cruiser. Filling cruiser with "proper" heavy guns (not just a single to classify it as a capital) - is a counter to "light attack heavy cruiser" spam, actually. DD Destroyer – light, fast, cheap. NAV in particular, but TAC and CAS can as well. Assign a surface fleet as a strike force to assisted the subs. Base refit cost for an early cruiser with 1x AA and lvl 1 armor is 1800*0. Naval doctrine. Screen Light Cruiser- Should be used as screen ships when paired with CAs and BBs. Those extra options give. I recently watched Hammotimes beginner series and in his Navy video he mentions a "sub spam" method in which you produce a load of T1 subs and leave them on convoy raiding with auto repair etc. Italy starts off with a pretty substantial navy of various Ships and Submarines, but I don't know how to organize them efficiently. 381K subscribers in the hoi4 community. #2. Ocean Cruiser (Chromiu version, for Steel version just remove armor and downgrade engine). It’s a light gunnery cruiser. They are called cruiser submarines because they originally mounted cruiser calibre guns (e. Italy starts off with a pretty substantial navy of various Ships and Submarines, but I don't know how to organize them efficiently. 1 update. 1 × QF 2-pounder naval gun [3] Aurora (Russian: Авро́ра, tr. 'War Navy') was the navy of Nazi Germany from 1935 to 1945. Long range submarine patrols, and similar mine laying operations are my first two choices. [Edit:] if you expect them to detect and engage subs, they need some ASW too. Cruiser Submarines To attack the sea lanes of enemies that lie outside the Mediterranean, we need long-range submarines that can roam the oceans. Sweden is located in northern Europe on the Scandinavian peninsular. Sie sind perfekt für Überraschungsangriffe auf Konvois ohne Geleitschutz und auf Großkampfschiffe geeignet. 6 kn. No, torpedoes are still useless, and dumb. . Information from official sources is now available on the details of Japanese Naval shipbuilding from early 1941 almost to the end of 1944. Soviet Union. Actually, the 1944 submarine has 500KM more range than the Cruiser template even after you add two Fuel Tanks to the Cruiser submarine. Screening efficiency [edit. The roach destroyers spread hits around and serve as tanks in that sense. And submarine warfare is all about being the quietest. As we all know ships in Hoi4 have been completely changed the old "rock-paper-scissors" system of pre MTG naval combat, e. Submarines will only target screens when set to High risk engagement rule. The Finnish coastal defence ship Väinämöinen, one of the last examples of the type. These are Carrier, Battleship, Cruisers, Destroyer, and Submarine, respectively. r/hoi4. Cruiser level armour only works against light attack, which as long as there is 1 screen between your heavy cruiser and the enemy, they are not going to get shot by. It severely averages up the detection of the snorkel submarines. -Submarines can be forced to reveal themselves by the enemy's submarine detection stat. Latest HOI4 province summary spreadsheet. Fill then to the brim with torpedoes and best engines. 12. Heavy cruisers are the best ship in the game. The extra fuel tanks give another 1000km range which is nice, but rarely necessary when you. ago. Current HOI4 Version Supported: Barbarossa v1. xp [XP amount] – Add a specified amount of XP to your Army, Navy, and Air forces. 0kn has a hit. Dec 25, 2016. Destroyers are best at hunting submarines followed by light cruisers due to their high sub detection ability and use of depth charges. Submarines usually get very little speed debuffs, so they usually have a advantage in that regard. By 1940 tech level, the DEs cost 1150 and the DDs cost 1900. Ships unlocked: Pre-Dreadnought Battleship, SH Battleship II, Coastal Defense Ship, Torpedo Cruiser, Submarine Cruiser I Modules added: Too many to list. Do not forget to set them to "not engage". Adding/Changing Modules When adding stuffs to an empty slot or changing between very different modules (e. I like Trade Interdiction for the ability to do a lot of damage with sub packs and the ability of the small cruiser-led fleet to usually escape alive from hazardous situations. Destroyers have torpedoes 20% weaker than Light Cruisers and 1/3 the strength of Submarines. Make them fast and have a lot of surface detection on them. I rushed 1944 cruiser tech, strong radar, medium III guns, dual secondaries, and good AA. Here's why. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by…Light Cruiser Spam. battery to floatplane), the cost is simply the cost of the new module . The torpedo destroyers kill the enemy caps. The Soviet Union (officially “Union of Soviet Socialist Republics” or “USSR”) is a major country and the leader of the Comintern faction. 8x. Give your sub snorkel, best (and maximum amount of) torpedos and best engine. hoi4 torpedo cruiser light or heavy. Fleet in being has one use. 1. But as tech scales up, that gap widens. Japan build about 40 to 50 if I remember that correctly. Torpedo I (533mm) Engine III (4,400hp) Torpedo I (533mm) or as if you took the cruise submarine focus Early Submarine. Description: Adds modules for Battleships, Cruisers, and Submarines allowing them to use carrier aircraft. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by…Heavy cruisers are the undisputed kings of light attack, mainly because they can mount light cruiser batteries in all their slots (BBs and BCs need to mount either heavy batteries or secondaries, which are far worse). Rush 1940 sub and snorkel. It seems like spamming destroyers and submarines is the new meta, and since you get get some ridiculous 60-knot destroyer configurations with newer hulls I’m not sure it makes much sense to refit any of the older ones. And since HOI4 doesn't allow air attacks on ground forces outside of combat (HOI2 did) one cannot bomb the enemy to reduce their. There are 5 types of ships that you will use in HOI4: Destroyers. Set you sub fleet to engage at high risk, medium repair priority and enable automatic split off. 2*(1+12. In gameplay terms screens are just all classes of ships which aren't carriers (carriers, converted carriers), submarines (subs and cruiser subs), or heavies (battleship, battlecruiser, I think heavy cruiser. The Second London Naval Treaty was an international treaty signed as a result of the Second London Naval Disarmament Conference held in London, the United Kingdom. The tool that will allow for you to create your own 3D models to use in. Then there is Intel bonus to combat which is shown in the combat window. 0. Kaiserredux is a Hearts of Iron 4 Kaiserreich standalone fan-fork branching off from the original KR lore to bring players a more interesting experience, with more paths and options to choose. Base refit cost for an early cruiser with 1x AA and lvl 1 armor is 1800*0. ago. Their role was analogous to surface cruisers, cruising distant waters, commerce raiding, and scouting for the battle fleet. Easy, cheap, and effective. First of all, you need to know that there are five different ships in total in Hoi4, meaning there are 5 different warship classes that you can craft. 1. . Those extra options give. Last game I played my task force was 4 CV, 4 BC, 4 CA, 8 CL, and 32 Destroyers. The Heavy Cruiser in Hearts of Iron 4 has the same hull as the Light Cruiser, but has access to heavier weaponry, making it more classified to become a capital ship instead of a screen ship. lvl 1 generals earn skill quite fast, and will also earn traits easier (they earn traits much much easier than higher skilled generals. ULTIMATE Submarine META PRO Guide - HOI4 Meta Navy Guide00:00 Subs!00:23 Why subs are broken01:36 Lets make a submarine04:09 Getting started07:44 Trade Inter. The cruiser submarine concept originated during the unrestricted submarine warfare campaign of 1917. Also, sorry for the late post today. Large Cruiser, 1945 Submarine Hull, Submarine Cruisers 1 & 2, Submarine Carrier and Midget Submarine. The higher it is, the higher the chance a submarine will get revealed. Players are able to pick hulls and outfit them with various modules, such as: engines, supporting systems and weapons. You can convert battleships and cruisers into carriers. 5% for Radar 3 and 10% for Radar 4. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. Nope besides giving a extra slot if you get them early enough. Cruiser submarines. Laranjow • 8 hr. Escort Light Cruiser- Should be used in escort task forces in a 1:3 ratio with DDs. Light cruisers stacked with light attack make small ship go boom, no small ship = big ship go boom faster. 4. and also naval invade from an island in the middle of the pacific. Light gun modules can be applied starting at Tier 2, Medium and Heavy gun modules starting at Tier 3. Rd_Svn • 1 yr. It's the meta for a reason. DD- 1 Light battery, 1 torped ,Engine lv1. Max speed: 39. 380K subscribers in the hoi4 community. Today’s diary entry covers our improvements to. This mod adds Cruiser Submarine Surcouf to the Game. Since they are really slow. My goal in this mod is to make the most changes and make HOI4 more like neptunia by anding nep and crew to it. The main purpose of this mod is an expansion of the available models, equipment, and units for naval, air, and land forces while otherwise staying true to vanilla HOI4. The mod includes a wide range of ship types, including minelayers, escort destroyers, light carriers, and cruiser submarines. . How to load and play workshop maps. For example, you cannot create a cruiser without a fire control system or a submarine without torpedoes. I also agree with the advice of researching 1944 tech for Engines IV, but continue to use the 1940 frame. Everywhere else you can just use paratroopers instead. If the enemy battle-line and carrier group are insufficiently screened from torpedoes, the. Went into the list and selected it and went into the designer and added all the modules I wanted onto the ship. In contrast, no armor is free and keeps the ship faster, which helps it avoid heavy guns and torpedoes. His original speed is 36 by the way but doing mission on the baltic made it go down to around 11. 0 unless otherwise noted. Sea-Record-8280 • 21 days ago. Example Convoy Escort Task Force: 5 Anti-Sub Destroyers; 1 Anti-Air Light Cruiser or Destroyer Surface Raiders are great at killing convoys in open space. Sep 12, 2009 946 34. ASW destroyer template? 450 hours in and still need help with naval strategy and designs. Heavy cruisers do not need to be armoured. While our sterling boi on the Swedish Subs don’t require mini explosions to turn the propeller. DDs and SSs are flimsey all by themselves, light and heavy cruisres add a punch to the party . Only difference is that you're using a Heavy gun now meaning the ship now faces a penalty in. 6) Escort group/minesweeping. The ship designer allows players to create their own ship variants. Advertisement Coins. . HOI4 Tools SGr - Save Game Recorder - records, compresses, and archives autosave files in realtime, no game impact. Heavy tanks speed don't get slowed much by infantry and the infantry give lots of org and HP to the division. Subs are the best scouts, best convoy raiders, and best minelayers. The logic is pretty much the same as the cruiser above. Also add monitors!! (Destroyers with a heavy battery) Got back into HOI4 recently and this time around i'm really invested in learning and pushing for my first world conquest/win. Conclusion: CVs are underpowered in this 1. Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 3. Heavy 2s with upgraded armor give 40+ armor to each division with just one tank battalion so they block most casual piercing. Those are the extra fuel tanks and the float planes. and even then you can usually get by with a couple cruiser submarines and crossing your fingers that the dumb AI will pull its navy away for a second for you to launch your invasion. I tried concentrating my fleet into a hunter/killer set up with early ships as patrols and my Heavies and 1936 cruiser/destroyers to destroy opposition, but it still isn't enough to challenge the British Navy in. Coordination -> Truth. The first design we will be testing is spam of a light cruiser design (no armour) with a 1:1 ratio of roach destroyers as well. 3) Workshop maps will now be available in Multiplayer and Sandbox modes under the player tab. For just 170 cost, that is a steal on a BB. Works the same way as Surface Detection and Visibility, (see above) but exclusively for submarines. I found a few uses earlyer. Speaking of the variant system, why the fuck do we even have separate heavy/light cruiser and superheavy battleship techs if that is the perfect use case for this feature! Urgh. Good enough. My cruiser subs without snorchel just destroyed the english fleet. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. The extra fuel tanks give another 1000km range which is nice, but rarely necessary when you. . A submarine starts out hidden and has a chance to be spotted if it gets too close to an enemy ship (submarines may also be spotted by aircraft). I also have patrol fleets with: 1 Heavy Cruiser, 2 Light Cruisers, 5 Destroyers. 4xCruiser Hull: 2. Large Cruiser, 1945 Submarine Hull, Submarine Cruisers 1 & 2, Submarine Carrier and Midget Submarine. Not at a flat 90 for not beating the value. Jan 2, 2020. v1. They have a tendency to flee instantly when facing enemy warships and will be pretty much massacred by destroyers and light cruisers. Latest HOI4 resource history spreadsheet (HOI4v 1. A grand total of over 1200 ships in all sizes was built; growing from 244,000 (1941) to over 2. 10. In contrast, no armor is free and keeps the ship faster, which helps it avoid heavy guns and torpedoes. Greetings, I am a game designer new to the HoI4 team. submarines can only really kill capital ships well but thats if theres a good amount of submarines and only a few capitalships (No screens or else subs will get massacred, even in a doomstack) but going down the submarine doctrine tree can make the subs really good at massacring convoys. Light cruisers are the best type for spotting fleets. These added flight decks can be applied to any Tier 1 Heavy/Super Heavy, Tier 2 Cruiser, and Tier 3 Submarine hull or up. This is the well-rounded general purpose set of naval doctrines that most substantial navies used. The basic categories of ships remain unchanged compared to vanilla:. Those are the extra fuel tanks and the float planes. Destroyers are about 1/3 the Ainti-Air strength of a Light Cruiser, which is the most cost-effective ship for AA (outside of a carrier with fighters). -Torpedoes are affected by screening. - Build a lot of cheap level 1 submarines. 11 total. Along with an event for ether France to give them back their Medium Submarine Gun and Cruiser Submarine techs if they stop strictly following the London Naval Treaty. It really depends on the number of Dockyards you have A handful of light minelayers (Cruiser or Destroyer sized) can be really handy. kingarthur772 Mar 6, 2019 @ 3:21am. com There are 2 chassis frames for Submarine: The standard 4 tech unlocks and the sexiest of Submarines: the Cruiser Submarine. Possible additions-Further hull types, such as Escort (to cover Corvettes and other light craft). Against other tanks, the division is only 4% hard so their hard attack. Since they are really slow. 6Politics. In the end airforce >>>>> all in HOI4. Whenever possible, I find each active sea zone should have: a strike force of suitable size, a patrol squadron of 5-6 DDs and a submarine squadron of 10 subs. Heavy Cruiser outperform BB and BC in every aspekt of Heavy ship combat (cost considered), while also beeing usefull as the "heavy ship light attack vessel" for the "kill screens, topedo heavys" strat that is meta. Battle-ship/cruisers, and light cruisers are generally to be avoided. g. Although typically played as a land power, The Raj has the capability of helping the Allies spot enemy submarines. Cruiser Submarines vs Sub3 vs Sub4. 6. 366K subscribers in the hoi4 community. If the enemy is utilizing naval bombers, it would be prudent to include anti-air destroyers or light cruisers. Naval warfare. Their survivability is in their speed. One role of Capital Ships is to act as a health pool and increased armor increases that capacity. No they are larger submarines hence the option to mount more stuff and America and France also get them. riot games hiring process. So 1944. . Carriers. Since submarines are the go-to raiding ship, the best ship is the cheapest ship which can make a sub flee. Dont suppose anyone has seen the naval trees in enough detail to know if cruiser subs exist in the game. First, cruiser armor sucks. Establishment of ship naming conventions 1905. Control of the sea can facilitate naval invasions, or prevent the enemy from performing an invasion of their own. Paradox pls fix pre dreadnaughts and cruiser submarines make them realistic by adding a module slot for a battery on both. The only benefit is an extra torpedo tube. 1944 Carrier Battleship Designs The backbone of any strike force is the battleship. Oh, I see. Available only with the Man the Guns DLC enabled. You could add some mot artillery or rocket to increase the soft attack. This guide will explain naval mechanics and basic strategy from the viewpoint of a casual multiplayer setting. It's the little C2 node to the wolfpack. Conclusion: CVs are underpowered in. Italy also has several ships under construction. If the enemy is utilizing naval bombers, it would be prudent to include anti-air destroyers or light cruisers. They all run to the back of the boat to tilt the bow up, then fire a torpedo. Eh, while sterling engines are where designed way before diesel style internal combustion engines. The development of the torpedo gave rise to the Jeune École doctrine, which held that small warships armed with. Battlecruisers are slightly weaker than a battleship, but make up for it with increased speed. Basically they could sneak along and engage any target of opportunity. -Torpedoes are affected by screening. Carriers: Carriers were the gods of the sea irl in WW2, but in Hoi4, not so much, at least not until later in the game. You could use roach destroyers for the job, but their detection is pretty poor, so you’d need a bunch extra. Thank you to Paradox for giving me early access which allowed me to get this video out to you guys so early. Actually, the 1944 submarine has 500KM more range than the Cruiser template even after you add two Fuel Tanks to the Cruiser submarine. 2. No! Torpedoes should only be mounted on DD or SS (or bombers). For building up wider Naval superiority Destroyers, Light Cruisers and a few carriers per fleet (with 60/40 split towards Naval Bombers) will wreck most AI fleets. The doctrine should be the fleet in being one, since the other two are focused on subs and. Second game I used around 1200 naval bombers and sunk over 20 destroyers, nearly 10 light cruisers, 3 battleships, 2 carriers, 2 battlecruisers, and a few heavy cruisers. Snorkel for survivability, radar for efficiency. r/hoi4. As with all content about what's "meta" in the game, this reflects my own opinion, based on experience and some math to get the facts straight. Instead they provide Intel (Intel has a variety of bonuses). Even then, at any given level of production, you're making 18% more DEs, making about 6 escorts per 5 fleet destroyers. To: ATLANTIC FLEET. it's light cruisers that destroy screens a. 5%). Because of that, its fleets take ages to kill a pack of sub3, because they start to be really hard to hit and kill since they can mount the snorkels. hoi4 torpedo cruiser light or heavy 23 Feb. I tried concentrating my fleet into a hunter/killer set up with early ships as patrols and my Heavies and 1936 cruiser/destroyers to destroy opposition, but it still isn't enough to challenge the British Navy in. The cruiser submarine was a massive submarine that was designed to stay at sea for extended periods of time far from the base. WARNING: This Cruiser receives a -25% Attack/Defense and Movement in Shallow Waters. You need to keep some destroyer and light cruiser to defend your fleet, but create a seperate flottilla with only destroyer and light cruiser. Basically the main guns drop screens quicker and the torpedoes drop capital ships quicker. Light cruiser spam. e. Historically they held a medium cruiser battery, however in hoi4 they do not. Rush 1940 sub and snorkel. Carriers. I find the cruiser submarine available via "U-boat effort" focus to be quite good at enforcing a blockade sufficiently far from Britain. The thought of a submarine using those cannons to engage two battleships is just comical as cannons on submarines, even on cruiser submarines, were intended to sink enemy convoys and their escorts in some. . cruiser submarines and coastal defence ships - I will extend the range of modules eventually as sensible to fit these designs. The submarine tree is a standard submarine tree for convoy raiding, not very powerful. However, later radars give a bonus to light and heavy attack. Used for balance. Having a cheap carrier or converted cruiser with only naval bombers is also incredibly helpful. Also the submarine you cited could carrier a whopping total of 3 planes, which wouldn't make much of a difference. Hoi4 mods enabled but not working Hoi4 mods enabled but not working Hoi4 Free Download. HOI4 Tools SGr - Save Game Recorder - records, compresses, and archives autosave files in realtime, no game. Go to hoi4 r/hoi4 • by. Possible breakdown of DD, CA/CL, BB. -Torpedo attack is extremely affected by the speed stat, so fast destroyers have a very low chance of getting hit. At best, you crush each TF alone, and send the worst-damaged ships to repair between fights. Submarines OP. Command points are automatically used for these missions and and costs permanent 0. (can construct avg 8-12/year) CL Light Cruiser – Most versatile, Moderate to expensive cost, reliable and durable Moderate to Fast speeds. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by… History. The Regia Marina was established on 17 March 1861 following the proclamation of the formation of the Kingdom of Italy. -ASW is “anti-submarine warfare” meaning convoy escort -DD is destroyer -CL is light cruiser -CA is heavy cruiser -BC is battlecruiser -BB is battleshipp -CV is carrier And then any number after the ship is what “era” of ship so DD2 is a 1936 destroyer, etc. If screening ever hits 90% or less the torpedo cruisers will stomp stuff. The only 1936 naval tech that Italy possesses is the Caio Duilio battleship, though it does possess upgraded versions of the 1922 heavy cruiser, light cruiser, destroyer, and submarine. Base Strike is the best choice if you want to go for carriers, it makes them much much better, and still the best choice if you plan on using mostly land based naval bombers instead of doing any actual naval combat. The formula is scaled, and goes from 0% damage reduction at Armor=Piercing, to 90% reduction at Armor is 2x Piercing. When task force (s) are performing a mission in their fleet's assigned regions, an. Also add monitors!! (Destroyers with a heavy battery)Got back into HOI4 recently and this time around i'm really invested in learning and pushing for my first world conquest/win. Japanese Naval Shipbuilding. Your destroyers are good, but pricey. It also can have excellent spotting and thus seems ideal for zones like the the mid Atlantic gap. The weaknesses are enemy airpower, good ASW cruisers, or destroyer spam (but destroyers only deter and not kill). Sub provide the ability to convoy raid. Heavy cruisers also have the speed which heavier ships lack, making them far better and finding and killing enemy ships. These subs will destroy all the enemy escort groups. CorpseFool • 4 yr. Minelaying. Sub 3’s are very good, and they are very quick to build. All three ships of this class served during the Russo. . hoi4 battlecruiser design 23 Feb. However single player gives you some wiggle room allowing you to try other strategies like Light Cruiser spam and submarine spam - both methods which are obsolete by Heavy Cruisers however. Aurora was one of three Pallada -class cruisers, built in Saint Petersburg for service in the Pacific. For example: 'Matilda LP'-tank with improved Armor and Main Gun and name it.